Hello, I am Neha and pursuing Bachelor of Optometry (B.Optom) in Paramedical Sciences at MM(DU). I want to share my experience of being in a world class campus and how these years in MM(DU) have enriched my life, professionally, intellectually and socially.
Generally, the beginning of a fresh academic year always brings ants in the pants and at the same time offers exciting opportunities, especially if you are entering the university grounds. University life does not only comprise of attending long lectures, going through innumerable articles and finishing large assignments but it is an enriching experience full of fun. Switching from a high school to the degree studies offers independence and can be most thrilling times for majority of the students who are keen to break away from the shackles of school environment and enter the university culture.
Read More: Looking For The Best Institute For Paramedical Sciences? Dont Think Beyond MM(DU)!
To make the university experience beneficial for your career, you should adopt the following steps–
Adopt a positive role towards learning
Once the students enter the university, amidst enjoyment and independence students tend to miss out the significance of learning and do not accomplish their assignments on time and indulge in other activities. Students should bear in mind that they have a lot to learn from the expert faculty and discover their passions to shape up their academic career. So, remember to attend classes on a regular basis and participate actively in other competitive activities as far as academics are concerned.
Take good care of yourself
It is an important tip, but overlooked most of the time. While you pay more attention to your lectures and studies do not forget to exercise, take healthy nutritious food and sleep well. The important thing is that no one can work properly empty stomach and with lack of sleep.
Take help from your faculty and fellow friends
If you want to make your university experience fulfilling then take help from your experienced faculty who can successfully guide you academically. They can be great counsellors and help you come out of the academic pressure. Even the fellow students can help you out when you are loaded with work or stressed. Mental issues in particular are causing a lot of anxiety and no one should feel terrified to speak up to their teachers and friends.
Engage yourself in different activities
Once you enter the university premises there are innumerable opportunities awaiting you. The chances are that you can realize your passion and do wonders in that field in future. In a University there is a club for everyone where you can be a part of an interest-based group like dance, dramatics, any game as football, cricket, table tennis to name a few. A club can make you active both socially and it is an amazing way of interacting with like-minded people. You get an opportunity to attend games, events, special lectures and participate in various competitions. Keeping yourself involved in different activities will assist you in countless ways and shape up your overall personality and be handy in the years to come. That’s the best part of being at MM(DU). I participated in so many activities and gained so much knowledge about new things that everyone in my family and friend circle says that this university has made me a new person. This confidence and learning soft skills opened new doors in my career.
Let me give you a useful tip: Once you enrol yourself in a university, you need to make a commitment to yourself to get up every morning, organize yourself and move for your daily lectures. It is an indication that you value further education and want to enrich your mind that inches you further towards your future endeavours.