HomeEducationBe The Best You: 7 Keys To A Positive Personality

Be The Best You: 7 Keys To A Positive Personality

Each one of us is capable of making a difference to the world; if only we are ready to tap within and realize our true being, true potential and unfolding our infinite capabilities. It’s easier said than done but there is no denying the fact that life is joyous, peaceful and fulfilling for those who have a positive personality. Being positive means seeing the good in everything and every situation. It also means choosing to praise more than criticizing. So here we are sharing with you 7 keys to a positive personality that will help you become the best version of you; which is the real purpose of life.

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Be Thankful

Positive people are grateful for all small and big joys. Gratitude is an attitude that we all must cultivate and it is so very easy to nurture gratefulness. You can start by maintaining a Gratitude Diary of Journal and writing just three things every day that made you thankful for the day.

Do away with the habit of Expecting Results

Most of us crib and complain when actual actions or results don’t match our expectations. So doing away with the expectation of results will help you stay in a positive zone. As per Hindu scriptures, this is called focusing on Karma and ignoring the ‘result’.

Drop your fears

It’s just the fear that stops a man or a woman from reaching the pinnacle of success. The first step to dropping your fears is to confess that there are certain things you are afraid of! Like an entrepreneur can be scared of expansion. Or an engineer can be scared of job change! They won’t be able to grow in life until they stick to their fear.

Accept Challenges

Coming out of your comfort zone is the biggest sign of a positive attitude. Take up challenges in life and put in your best; make sure to remember that you don’t have to expect or predict the results. This will make you more positive towards life.

Accept Criticism

Do not try to be everyone’s favourite; rather accept harsh words said about you with dignity and grace. This would wash off all the negativity within.

Maintain an active lifestyle

Join a yoga, gym or cycling club. Go for a walk. Spend time with Nature. Rather than losing yourself in thoughts; doing some work-out or physical activity produces feel-good hormones.

Share and Care

Sharing and caring are the best way to cultivate a positive attitude and personality. The more abundantly you share your earnings or things; the more blessed you feel and get.

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